Clean and Maintain Your uPVC Double Glazed Doors & Windows
Double Glazing

How to Clean and Maintain Your uPVC Double Glazed Doors & Windows

Getting your doors windows double glazed is a one-time job. To enjoy the ongoing benefits of double glazing here are some maintenance tips to enjoy uPVC double glazed doors and windows for many many years to come. At Climateframe Double Glazing, we offer a power-packed combination of in-house manufactured uPVC

4 Benefits of Double Glazing
Double Glazing

Double Glazing vs Single Glazing

Read the four great advantages and benefits of double glazing doors and windows for both safety and security in Perth Home. Contact our experts for more detail.

WA Double Glazing Manufacturer Perth
Double Glazing

The leading WA Double Glazing manufacturer | Climateframe

ClimateFrame the leading double glazing manufacturer in Western Australia. We’re one of just a few that don’t just sell them, we make them right here in our factory in Perth Western Australia. Our products, processes, and people set us far apart from the competition. We take pride in setting the

How Much Value Does Double Glazing Add To Your Home?

How Much Value Does Double Glazing Add To Your Home?

Looking to add value to your home and at the same time reduce energy costs?  Double glazing doors and windows aren’t just in trend around Perth they also reduce the heat, reduce the noise and add an additional layer of security to keep your loved ones safe and sound. Put

Double Glazed Windows Perth – What are They and How do They Work?

What are double glazed windows

What are Double Glazed Windows? Double glazing is the process of installing two glass panels into a window frame with an air pocket filled with argon gas. They are also known as insulating glass units (IGU) or uPVC double-paned windows. This technique uses glass with a specially coated surface that