Aluminium Double Glazed Windows

Aluminium Windows

Climateframe Double Glazing manufacture aluminium windows at our factory in Wangara. The straight-cut window frames and sashes are popular among those wanting an architectural look for their home or commercial buildings.

Not only do they look good, but our aluminium systems have also been extensively tested to Australian Standards to ensure we can design the appropriate double glazed windows for the location of your home. The end result? A stylish, low maintenance, energy efficient window that still allows fresh air and natural light into your home.

See more about our aluminium double glazing, aluminium products and double glazed aluminium window selections at the below links.

Aluminium Awning Windows

Aluminium Sliding Windows

Frameless Corner Window

Aluminium Double Glazed Windows

Aluminium window double glazing

There are many benefits to aluminium framed windows.

A major attraction of aluminium framed windows is they can be powder coated in a range of different colours to match in with other facades on Australian homes or even contrast them if that’s the look you want for your house.

Climateframe Double Glazing have all extrusions powder coated locally in Wangara, so the quality of finish is guaranteed. We have the full Interpon and Dulux colour ranges available – feel free to visit our showroom or get in touch to see our full colour offering available for our range of aluminium windows.

Aluminium Windows

The 77mm aluminium window system we fabricate is highly recommended and well suited to the construction methods in Perth, Western Australia.

The window frames can be protective taped for easy installation by bricklayers in double brick applications for standard homes or they can be trim fitted into subframes for more high-end build projects. All outer frame profiles come standard with a fixing fin to suit timber stud installations.

Energy Efficient Double Glazed Windows

Double glazed windows are the perfect option for thermal performance, keeping the cold air out in winter and in during summer, and also have great sound reducing properties.

Climateframe Double Glazing are passionate about installing double glazed windows that perform well in Australian conditions such as the Perth summer heat and provide greater energy efficiency and insulation for your home.

Thermally Broken Aluminium Frames

To prevent heat transfer, our thermally broken aluminium window frames contain an internal layer of insulation, creating a “thermal break”.

Our aluminium frames in combination with low emissivity IGUs can achieve solar heat gain coefficients as low as 0.18! That is only 18 percent of the heat from direct sunlight that will transfer through the window – providing significantly better performance and energy efficiency than the standard single glazed windows we are used to in Western Australia.

Our aluminium windows with double glazed panels also help to save on air con bills and energy costs in both summer and winter.

The glazing pockets on all our aluminium frames allow for 20mm thick insulated glass units. With a glazing pocket of this depth, it allows us to select two panes of glass differing in thickness for incredible noise reduction in your home. We commonly use quality products such as Viridian VLam Hush IGUs because they are glass panes specifically engineered to reduce the amount of outside noise that passes through a glazing assembly.

An example of this IGU suited to our aluminium framing is 6.5mm Viridian VLam Hush/ 10mm spacer/ 4mm Clear Toughened.

High Quality Double Glazed Aluminium Windows

Contact our friendly team if you’re looking to seriously reduce unwanted noise, improve security and improve the thermal performance in your home with high quality aluminium double glazed window and door systems. With many years of experience and knowledge of the industry, our expert team provides professional manufacturing and installation services for aluminium double glazed windows and doors.

Double Glazed Window and Door Systems

Climateframe Double Glazing provides a wide range of double glazing services, including double glazed windows and doors, double glazed sliding door, awning windows, sliding windows, aluminium windows and doors and more for residential and commercial properties.To find out more information, visit our showroom or get in contact with our team to request a free quote or to browse through our double glazed window and door range.

Custom Manufacturer of Aluminium Double Glazed Windows

Discover why Climateframe Double Glazing stands apart as more than just another double-glazing provider in Perth. We specialise in the expert manufacturing and installation of high-quality double-glazed windows and doors. Our exceptional service, competitive pricing, and environmentally friendly materials highlight the superior quality of our products.

Enhance your home with our extensive range of frames and styles, perfect for your next renovation project.

We invite you to visit our showroom and factory in Wangara to see the difference for yourself!

Aluminium window double glazing

Benefits of uPVC Aluminium Double Glazed Windows

double glazing warranty
Climateframe Check

Save On Bills

Enhance your energy efficiency, reduce your energy costs, and lower your heating and cooling expenses by choosing energy-efficient thermal insulation materials and low-emissivity glass for your windows and doors.

Climateframe Check

Noise Reduction

Transform your home into a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life with double glazing. This upgrade provides fantastic noise insulation, reducing sound levels by up to eight times. You’ll really appreciate the tranquility it brings!

Climateframe Check

Extra Protection

Boost your protection, style, and security with our tough safety glass window systems! Designed for extra strength and a lower chance of shattering, they provide top-notch safety for your home and belongings. Stay secure while keeping your place looking great!

Climateframe Check

No Condensation

Our energy-efficient double-glazed units come with airtight seals, which means you can say goodbye to moisture build-up and foggy windows. Keeping your view clear and your home comfortable!